health tips frequent headache can be brain tumor know what to do

health tips frequent headache can be brain tumor know what to do

brain tumor : Do not make the mistake of ignoring frequent headaches even by mistake. This could be a sign of brain tumor. According to statistics, every year about 2.5 lakh people die due to brain tumor. In the year 2020 alone, this disease took the lives of 2.46 lakh people. Health experts say that sometimes the tumor grows so slowly that its symptoms are not visible. Therefore it can be more dangerous. If headache persists frequently then it should not be ignored. Also read: Attention ! Cats can spread…

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health tips brain cancer types symptoms treatment in hindi

health tips brain cancer types symptoms treatment in hindi

Brain Cancer : The brain controls the entire body. In such a situation, if its health is not taken care of properly, problems can increase. It is very important to take care of even the smallest things related to brain health, otherwise many diseases can knock at the door. One of these diseases is cancer inside the brain. It is commonly called brain tumor. According to the data of GLOBOCAN 2020, 2,51,329 people have died in India due to brain and central nervous system tumors. In such a situation, let…

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