summer health tips heat wave can cause brain stroke know symptoms and prevention

Brain Stroke : The scorching heat has worsened the situation. Going out in the scorching sun can cause heat stroke, which can even lead to death. Staying in the scorching heat for a long time increases the body temperature. When the body temperature rises to 104 degrees Fahrenheit or more due to staying in the sun, it is called heat stroke. This can even cause brain stroke. A study conducted in Sweden in 2021 revealed that the number of deaths due to stroke has now increased to 50-60 percent, which…

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Snoring can increase the risk of fatal diseases read full article in Hindi

Snoring while sleeping is common. But if you are snoring every day? Or if a loud sound comes from your nose while snoring, then you are not healthy at all. This can prove to be dangerous for your health. People who snore are not able to get proper sleep. Due to snoring, every fourth person can become a victim of sleep apnea. Let us tell you that more than 12 crore people in our country suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. Due to snoring, the risk of hypertension-sugar, heart attack and…

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summer health tips risk of brain stroke due to heat stroke know prevention

Heat Stroke : North India is in the grip of intense heat. Temperatures around 45 degrees Celsius or more are burning. The scorching sun and heatwave have worsened the situation. Meanwhile, a frightening news is coming. Doctors have warned not to take heatwave lightly at all, as it can lead to the risk of brain stroke. They say that excessive heat causes dehydration in the body, which increases the risk of blood thickening. Due to which blood circulation can slow down, which can increase the risk of brain stroke in…

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can temperature change cause a brain stroke read full article

Brain Stroke: It is extremely hot and in such a situation the risk of brain stroke is increasing significantly. According to a study published in ‘Neurology Journal’, whenever there are fluctuations in temperature, the risk of brain stroke increases. This study has revealed that whenever there have been fluctuations in temperature since 1990, cases of brain stroke have increased rapidly due to this. The reason behind this is being said to be climate change. If you want to avoid brain stroke then take special care of these things Why does…

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what is the biggest risk factor for post stroke depression

Brain Stroke: Stroke not only affects the body but also the mind. Many reports have revealed that due to stroke, many people become victims of diseases like depression. Today we will tell you in detail through this article. Data on depression after stroke According to a British research, 87.9 percent of depression after stroke occurs within 5 years. It becomes clear from this study that after stroke, one should keep getting checked for depression. Risk of depression increases by 59 percent after stroke This research, which lasted for 18 years,…

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7 warning signs of a stroke, vision problems start appearing 7 days before, run to the doctor as soon as you see them

Stroke Warning Signs: Brain attack itself is called stroke. Due to lack of proper blood supply to the brain, its blood vessels burst, due to which oxygen is not able to reach properly and the brain stops functioning. At such a time, if immediate treatment is not provided, life may even be lost. However, stroke never comes suddenly. Before its arrival, many stroke warning signs start appearing in the body. A study has found that 43 percent of stroke patients had felt its symptoms about a week before the stroke.…

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health iit delhi aiims study music therapy will treat brain stroke aphesia patients with music therapy indian songs speech therapy trending

AIIMS Delhi and IIT Delhi are working together on innovation, in which patients will be treated through music. AIIMS Delhi will now teach brain stroke patients to speak using the tune of Indian music. So let us know what this music therapy is and how it will play an important role in the treatment of patients… In a report of Times of India, Dr. Deepti Vibha of AIIMS has said that she will teach humming and speaking through music to the patients who have lost their ability to hear and…

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Mithun chakraborty got brain stroke apollo hospital issued official statement on actor health update

Mithun Chakraborty Health: Due to deteriorating health of Mithun Chakraborty, he has been admitted to Apollo Hospital in Kolkata. The actor complained of chest pain, after which he was admitted to the emergency ward. Apollo Hospital has issued an official statement regarding the actor’s health in which it is written that Mithun has suffered a brain stroke. In the statement issued by Apollo Hospital, it was written – ‘National Award Winner Actor Shri Mithun Chakraborty (73) was brought to the Emergency Department of Apollo Multispeciality Hospital, Kolkata at 9.40 am…

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Health Tips Brain-stroke Risk Factors In Youth Know Cause And Treatment

Brain Stroke: The cases of heart attack and stroke have increased rapidly in the last few years. People are falling prey to it even at a young age. Brain stroke is also one of the reasons for deaths in the world. If this is avoided then many types of problems can be seen. These include problems like being paralyzed, problem in speaking and seeing, problem in understanding. According to health experts, cases of stroke have increased significantly among people under 40, which is a cause for concern. Let us know…

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Death Rate Higher Among Brain Stroke Patients With Covid-19 Claim Study

Brain Stroke: A recent study by a team of doctors from Hyderabad revealed that one out of four brain stroke patients who tested positive for coronavirus died in the hospital. According to researchers, acute ischemic stroke (due to lack of blood supply to a part of the brain) was seen in 85.5 percent of Kovid-19 patients. Hemorrhagic stroke (due to bleeding in the brain) was seen in the remaining 14.5 percent of patients. The researchers said that 52.7 percent of patients in this study had poor outcomes, including a 24.5…

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