Spices in your kitchen were being made from these rotten things, Crime Branch found such things by chance, everyoneโ€™s eyes were wide open.

Spices in your kitchen were being made from these rotten things, Crime Branch found such things by chance, everyoneโ€™s eyes were wide open.

Delhi Police. If you know what the spices like turmeric, garam masala, dry mango powder and other spices present in your kitchen are made of, then perhaps you would not even like to touch them, let alone eat them. Yes, the Crime Branch of Delhi Police has sealed two such factories, where various spices were being made from rotten things, chemicals, tree bark and wood sawdust. The spices made in both these factories were being packed in packets of various famous broads and being sold in the market. The Crimeโ€ฆ

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Consuming this thing in breakfast will keep the body energetic, it is also a good diet for health.

Consuming this thing in breakfast will keep the body energetic, it is also a good diet for health.

To keep themselves fit, people do gym, diet, exercise, morning walk and many more. In such a situation, if you also want to keep yourself fit, then this news is for you. In this report, we will tell you how by including one food in breakfast, you can keep yourself healthy and remain energetic throughout the day. We are talking about oats.  Apart from being delicious, oats are also very beneficial for health. Its daily consumption keeps the body fit. Ways of eating oats If breakfast is good then theโ€ฆ

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