Was there a freedom movement against the Mughals like the British Know who drove the Mughals out of the country

Was there a freedom movement against the Mughals like the British Know who drove the Mughals out of the country

Almost every citizen of India would know that our country has been a slave of both the British and the Mughals. The Mughals and the British together have looted India for about 500 years and filled their treasury. Everyone has read about the great men who fought for India’s independence. But do you know who had driven out the Mughals from the country? Today we will tell you about it. India was ruled by the Mughals and then the British. Before the British, the Mughals ruled India. According to historians,…

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Mughals or the British who made the biggest contribution in looting India Know who caused more harm to the country

Mughals or the British who made the biggest contribution in looting India Know who caused more harm to the country

India was once a golden bird, but… almost everyone must have read or heard the stories of slavery in their country. But if someone asks you who has caused the most harm to the country between the Mughals and the British, what will you answer? Today we will tell you who had caused the most harm to India. India’s independence India officially got independence on 15 August 1947. But before independence, the British ruled India for about 200 years. In such a situation, when the British arrived in India for…

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this entire city of India was given as dowry to the British know this amazing story

this entire city of India was given as dowry to the British know this amazing story

Nowadays a house or car is given as dowry., Although now this too is opposed, But do you know that there was a time when an entire city of India was given as dowry to an Englishman?, Yes!, You will definitely be surprised to hear this but it is true and this city was none other than Mumbai, the city of dreams which is called the financial capital of the country., Let us know this interesting story related to the history of the country., Also read: Which countries of the…

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This serial killer killed 900 people with a handkerchief know why the British were afraid of this killer

This serial killer killed 900 people with a handkerchief know why the British were afraid of this killer

There have been many such serial killers across the world, whose name and scandal scared the whole world. But today we will tell you about a serial killer of India, whom not only the common people but also the British were afraid of. People in India still tell the stories of this serial killer of India. Today we will tell you about the serial killer of India who killed more than 900 people with a handkerchief. Know how this serial killer murdered people. serial killer Let us tell you that…

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USA Independence Day: 50 lakh people fought the war, 10 thousand lost their lives, then the world’s most powerful country became independent

USA Independence Day: 50 lakh people fought the war, 10 thousand lost their lives, then the world’s most powerful country became independent

America, which is considered the most powerful country in the world today. Do you know that America was also a slave at one time? Like many countries of the world, America was also ruled for a long time. America got independence on 4 July 1776. Today we will tell you which country enslaved America and how America got independence. America Like other countries including India, America was also kept as a slave by Britain for a long time. Britain has ruled over about 80 countries and islands of the world.…

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Snooker Game: How did this game get the name Snooker, where did it first start

Snooker Game: How did this game get the name Snooker, where did it first start

There are lovers of different games all over the world. One such game which is famous all over the world is snooker. Today most of the young generation likes to play snooker. But do you know where this game started and how it got the name snooker? Today we will tell you how this game got the name snooker. Beginning of Snooker According to the information, the world famous snooker game started from Narmada Club of Jabalpur. Therefore, Jabalpur is also called the father of snooker game. Its history dates…

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Ice from during Summer: From where did British officers and kings get ice in summer, a very interesting story

Ice from during Summer: From where did British officers and kings get ice in summer, a very interesting story

It is scorching heat in many areas of India and around the world including the capital Delhi. With the onset of summer, people often like to drink cold water. Because cold water gives relief to the body in summer. But the question is that when there were no refrigerators in homes, how did the British and Mughals bring chilled water and ice. Today we will tell you how and from where snow used to come in earlier times. Snow in summer Snow provides a lot of relief during summer. But…

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The British could never rule this state of India.

The British could never rule this state of India.

The British had captured almost the entire India through the policy of divide and rule. They looted a lot of money from our country. There was a time when almost 70 percent of the countries in the world were under the rule of the British. America was also once a slave of the British. However, during that time there was one state which the British could never capture. So let us tell you about that state today. This state of India was never occupied by the British.Let us tell you…

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This king had trained his army in martial arts, never wore a crown after sitting on the throne

This king had trained his army in martial arts, never wore a crown after sitting on the throne

If we look closely at history, we will come to know how many brave Maharajas there were in our history. Whose stories are still on people’s lips even after centuries. Today we are going to tell about one such king, who fought his first war at the age of 10 and sat on the throne at the age of 12. However, even after sitting on the throne, he never wore a crown. This king had given martial arts training to the army.Maharaja Ranjit Singh, famous as Sher-e-Punjab, is considered the…

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British High Commissioner Jane Marriott Visited PoK Between Rajnath Singh In Britain Visit To Meet Rishi Sunak

British High Commissioner Jane Marriott Visited PoK Between Rajnath Singh In Britain Visit To Meet Rishi Sunak

UK Envoy Jane Marriott Visited PoK: India’s Defense Minister Rajnath Singh is on a tour of Britain. He met with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Wednesday (January 10) at his PM House, 10 Downing Street. While this meeting between Rajnath Singh and Rishi Sunak was going on in full swing, the British High Commissioner to Pakistan, Jane Marriott, made a visit that irritated India. He visited Mirpur in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. In fact, India considers PoK as its integral part and has been opposing such visits here. British High…

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