Completed the wedding in the cost of a birthday party, bought a cheap dress online, served pizza to the guests!

Completed the wedding in the cost of a birthday party, bought a cheap dress online, served pizza to the guests!

Every person has his own thinking about marriage. Some people want to have such a grand and memorable wedding that people will always remember it, while some people prefer to do it in a very simple way. Some people even have such a cheap wedding that it becomes a unique event for people. According to The Sun report, a couple from England, with their smart idea, threw such a small wedding party that they did not have to spend much from their pocket. Usually, brides these days spend 2-3 lakh…

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Dress worth Rs 3000, cake worth Rs 940, the entire wedding was done in less than the amount of lehenga!

Dress worth Rs 3000, cake worth Rs 940, the entire wedding was done in less than the amount of lehenga!

We all know that in our country, marriages are linked more to status than happiness. If there is a wedding at someone’s house, then money is spent like water on everything from the dresses of the bride and groom to food, drinks and decorations. During this period, more is spent on appearance rather than securing the future of the couple. However, sensible people do not do this at all. Generally, girls do not have any idea of ​​the budget to be spent on their wedding. However, the woman about whom…

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