Which dead body’s ashes are heavier, the one burnt in a wooden pyre or the one burnt in an electric crematorium?

Which dead body’s ashes are heavier, the one burnt in a wooden pyre or the one burnt in an electric crematorium?

The biggest sorrow is the departure of a loved one from this world. But death is a truth that no one can deny. Because whether a person is rich or poor, everyone has to die. Some people die at a young age, while some people live till the age of 100. But do you know how much a dead body weighs after being cremated in Hinduism? Ashes of the body Let us tell you that in Hinduism, when someone dies, his body is cremated by burning the dead body. In…

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The temperature of this city is the highest in the world, people get burnt while standing outside in the afternoon.

The temperature of this city is the highest in the world, people get burnt while standing outside in the afternoon.

There are many places in the world where the temperature is very high. Death Valley of California is considered to be the hottest place in the world. But apart from that, there are many places where the temperature is so high that it is very difficult for humans, animals and birds to survive. Today we are going to tell you about such a place in the Middle East. Kuwait City, the capital of Kuwait in the Middle East. Is also considered the hottest city. The temperature here also reaches 52…

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