The Beatles: What was the connection of the famous band ‘Beatles’ with Rishikesh? Their imprint is still present on the banks of Ganga

Rishikesh means the center of yoga, spirituality, sages and maharishis, the city of ashrams and a holy city situated on the banks of Mother Ganga. But along with all this, it is also important to mention The Beatles Group in Rishikesh. Because it was because of The Beatles that Rishikesh got international recognition decades ago. Know who the Beatles were? In whose name many places including Beatles Ashram, Beatles Cafe are still present in Rishikesh.  The Beatles The question comes that who were the Beatles? Who were they and what…

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After all, how much blood is necessary to keep the body healthy? Know the right time to donate blood

  We cannot imagine life without blood in the body. But do you know how much blood should be there in the body of a healthy person? How much blood is required in the body of a man and a woman? Today we will tell you how much blood is necessary for the body and what diseases can occur due to lack of blood.  How much blood is necessary for the body A healthy person should have about 10.5 pints of blood in his body. In simple language, a healthy…

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