How does one get rid of the intoxication of cannabis? If you consume too much then you will become normal in some time.

How does one get rid of the intoxication of cannabis? If you consume too much then you will become normal in some time.

Bhang is very dear to Lord Shiva. Many people also consume it. Especially it is consumed more on Holi and Shivratri. Consuming it in excess makes cannabis go to the head and causes intoxication. Today in this report we will tell you about some special remedies to get rid of the addiction of cannabis. People don’t understand what to do to get rid of it. But to get rid of its addiction easily, you should consume sour things like lemon water, buttermilk, orange, seasonal fruits, tamarind etc. Drinking coconut water…

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Holi Bhaang Hangover: Don’t let the intoxication of cannabis spoil the color of Holi, these tips will help you get rid of hangover quickly

Holi Bhaang Hangover: Don’t let the intoxication of cannabis spoil the color of Holi, these tips will help you get rid of hangover quickly

Holi 2023: Holi is a festival of colors and many times people spoil the festival of colors by getting intoxicated with cannabis and other things. Many people take cannabis and other drugs on Holi and then getting off them becomes a task and the fun of Holi gets spoiled.  In such a situation, we are sharing with you some such great tips, with the help of which you can easily get rid of the intoxication of cannabis and maintain the fun of your festival. Let us know how to get rid…

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What Will Happen If You Drink Bhang On An Empty Stomach On Holi This Is Why People Become Happy After Smoking Marijuana

What Will Happen If You Drink Bhang On An Empty Stomach On Holi This Is Why People Become Happy After Smoking Marijuana

Holi is after 3 days, in such a situation, the biggest question for those who consume cannabis on the day of Holi is that how harmful can cannabis be for our body and if you eat or drink cannabis on an empty stomach. So what can happen to you? Actually, most of the people eat cannabis so that they remain intoxicated and feel happy. Scientifically, this happens too. People feel happy after smoking cannabis, this is because as soon as you eat or drink cannabis, dopamine hormones increase inside you.…

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