high levels of bad cholesterol increase your risk of heart disease

According to ‘World Health Organization’ (WHO), most deaths in the world are due to heart disease. According to WHO data, 1 crore 80 lakh people lose their lives due to heart attack and stroke. The biggest reason behind this is bad cholesterol. Will you know what is bad cholesterol? Actually, there are two types of cholesterol in the body. One is good and the other is bad cholesterol. If there is good cholesterol in the body up to a limit then it is beneficial for the body. Because it is…

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These 3 diseases are rapidly making the youth victims, be careful, protect yourself like this

Health Tips: Nowadays, due to being careless towards health, most of the youth are falling victim to serious diseases. In this busy life, bad lifestyle and eating habits are badly affecting their health. In such a situation, people below 50 years of age are becoming victims of three dangerous diseases. Health experts say that if attention is not given at the right time, all three diseases can take the form of an epidemic. Therefore, you should immediately focus on making changes in your daily routine and habits… Obesity According to…

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6 century old epidemic still has its impact, relation found with not just one but many diseases, strange research of scientist

Is our human history responsible for today’s health problems? This seems to be the case from a new research. In this strange research, scientists have found that the epidemic called Black Death, which spread among humans 6 centuries ago, is related to the microscopic organisms living in the mouth of humans today. These organisms are responsible for many diseases today like obesity, heart diseases, mental health problems. The epidemic named Black Death had spread across the world in the 14th century. This is also called the second plague epidemic. Due…

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How To Prevent Heart Diseases By Changing In Lifestyles

The World Health Organization has claimed that most deaths occur worldwide due to cardiovascular diseases. Every year 1.7 crore people die due to heart related diseases worldwide. Four out of five people die due to heart attack and stroke. One-third of those who die die before the age of 70. But do you know that the risk of heart attack and heart related diseases can be reduced? According to America’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), making some important lifestyle changes and living a healthy life can reduce the…

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