Shafaq Naaz On Sheezan Khan: TV actress Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case accused Sheezan Khan has been released on bail. Sheejan was in jail for the last 70 days. These 70 days were no less than a punishment for his mother and sisters as well. Sheejan’s family was counting the days for his release. When the actor got bail and came out of jail, his sisters and mother came to receive him and they were in tears on seeing Sheejan. Now Shafak Naaz has shared his feelings on the release of…
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Tunisha Sharma Uncle Pawan Sharma Demands To Investigate Sheezan Khan Family Members Who Are Involved In This Case
Tunisha Sharma Uncle On Sheezan Khan: TV actress Tunisha Sharma committed suicide by hanging herself on the sets of her show ‘Ali Baba: Dastan-e-Kabul’ (Ali Baba: Dastan-E-Kabul) on 24 December 2022. The reason for his suicide was said to be the breakup with co-actor and ex-boyfriend Sheezan Khan. That’s why Sheejan Khan was arrested, since then Sheejan is in jail. Tunisha’s family made many serious allegations against Sheezan Khan and his family. Now Tunisha’s maternal uncle has asked the mother to investigate Sheejan’s family. Tunisha’s maternal uncle accuses Sheejan’s family…
Read MoreTunisha Sharma Death Help Your Child To Survive Heartbreak To Avoid Suicide Depression
Heartbreak: 20 year old late actress Tunisha Sharma merged into Panchatattva today. The whole country can be saddened by Tunisha’s death. No one can believe that such a happy and lively young girl has now turned to the other world. The most saddened by Tunisha’s death is her mother, who is constantly pleading that Tunisha’s boyfriend and co-actor Sheezan Khan should be punished severely. In fact, Sheejan Khan has been accused of Tunisha’s death. Sheezan and Tunisha were both in a relationship and both were working together in the serial…
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