If there is a foul smell coming from your mouth even after brushing your teeth, do not ignore it, because it can lead to a serious disease

If there is a foul smell coming from your mouth even after brushing your teeth, do not ignore it, because it can lead to a serious disease

It is normal to have bad breath because if you do not maintain proper hygiene then it is natural for your mouth to have bad breath. But the question arises that if your mouth smells bad even after brushing, is it a matter of concern or not? By the way, dentists recommend brushing twice a day so that there is no bad breath. That is why they recommend gargling with water."text-align: justify;">Bad breath even after cleaning can be a sign of a serious disease It is very important to take…

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Ayurveda Food Tips Embarrassed By Bad Breath Get Rid Of This Easy Way

Ayurveda Food Tips Embarrassed By Bad Breath Get Rid Of This Easy Way

Bad Breath Problem: Bad breath often makes us feel embarrassed. This problem occurs when you do not brush properly. This stench can increase with time. There can be many other reasons behind bad breath, such as dry mouth, bacterial infection, tonsillitis, oral cancer, lung or throat infection or any other problem. In this article, we will tell you about those Ayurvedic herbs which are often used in Ayurveda to get rid of bad breath. In this article, some such ways have been told by which you can remove the bad…

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How To Prevent Foul Odor From Mouth Cause Of Bad Breath

How To Prevent Foul Odor From Mouth Cause Of Bad Breath

Foul Odor From Mouth: The problem of bad breath increases more in the winter season. Although some people face this problem in every season. But in winter season, liquid diet is taken less as compared to summer or rainy season, so this problem increases manifold in winter season. Which not only makes you uncomfortable but also makes the people talking with you uncomfortable. At the work place or in front of friends, you do not have to face such a situation when you feel embarrassed due to bad breath, for…

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