How To Prevent Heart Diseases By Changing In Lifestyles

How To Prevent Heart Diseases By Changing In Lifestyles

The World Health Organization has claimed that most deaths occur worldwide due to cardiovascular diseases. Every year 1.7 crore people die due to heart related diseases worldwide. Four out of five people die due to heart attack and stroke. One-third of those who die die before the age of 70. But do you know that the risk of heart attack and heart related diseases can be reduced? According to America’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), making some important lifestyle changes and living a healthy life can reduce the…

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Heart Problem Symptoms Risk Of Heart Attack Cause Of Homocysteine

Heart Problem Symptoms Risk Of Heart Attack Cause Of Homocysteine

Heart Attack Symptoms: For the last few years, the number of heart patients has increased rapidly not only in the country but in the world. In the year 2022, many celebrities lost their lives due to heart attack. Even in the year 2023, a large number of people have lost their lives due to heart attack. Apart from this, the number of heart patients in the country is also increasing rapidly. Health experts are also worried about the number of heart patients. Doctors say that people have to improve their…

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