What is endometriosis? Why does it cause problems in becoming a mother? Know the opinion of experts

What is endometriosis? Why does it cause problems in becoming a mother? Know the opinion of experts

Endometriosis is a problem in which the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) starts growing outside the uterus. It can cause many health problems for women, the biggest of which is difficulty in conceiving. Due to this condition, women may face difficulty in becoming mothers. Experts believe that timely treatment and proper care of endometriosis can help control this problem, which can increase the chances of pregnancy."text-align: justify;">What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) starts growing in organs outside the uterus.…

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This disease is the biggest reason for not being able to become a mother, know about it

This disease is the biggest reason for not being able to become a mother, know about it

Becoming a mother is the biggest happiness of every woman’s life. It is an experience that is difficult to describe in words. But, unfortunately many women struggle with the problem of not becoming pregnant, due to which they are deprived of this happiness. Even after trying for a long time, the woman is unable to conceive. A major reason for this is endometriosis disease. This disease is gradually becoming common among women, but very few people know about it. So let’s know what is endometriosis, its symptoms, causes and treatment. …

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