women health care tips diseases caused by obesity in females

women health care tips diseases caused by obesity in females

Obesity in Women : Obesity is increasing rapidly among Indian women. Their obesity is twice that of men. 4.5 crore women above 20 years of age are struggling with the problem of overweight. This has been revealed in the medical journal Lancet. Obesity can cause many physical and mental problems in women. According to US Women’s Health, due to obesity, millions of women become vulnerable to many fatal diseases (Diseases Caused by Obesity). In such a situation, let us know which diseases are at risk in women due to obesity…

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Obesity Causes In Women Weight Gain In Women With Age

Obesity Causes In Women Weight Gain In Women With Age

Obesity Causes In Women: Obesity is seen as a serious problem not only in the country but in the world. Obesity becomes a more serious problem when there is no physical activity. Obesity is seen more in women than in men. Some girls start getting fat in childhood. The logic behind this is genetic. At the same time, some girls start getting fat with age. Usually in every house the aged women are fat. Doctors give different logic behind this. Women get fat with age due to many reasons. Let’s…

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