OMG! Sudden death while working! Everyone was shocked by the incident of Bhagalpur captured in CCTV, the footage went viral

OMG!  Sudden death while working!  Everyone was shocked by the incident of Bhagalpur captured in CCTV, the footage went viral

Report: Shivam Singh Bhagalpur. What is the distance between life and death? If you want to see then see this CCTV footage. Where a young man lays down on the ground while doing work and dies. This incident gets captured in CCTV. The matter is of Bhagalpur. The goldsmith working on the balcony of the room suddenly faints. His body vibrates, he dies shortly after. The deceased gold artisan has been identified as Pintu Kumar, a resident of Kolkata. Pintu was living and working at gold trader Vikesh Kumar’s place…

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