When there was no cement, how were tall buildings built? How were Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar and Red Fort built?

When there was no cement, how were tall buildings built? How were Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar and Red Fort built?

India is a historically rich country. Hundreds of years old buildings still exist in India. But does this question ever come to your mind that today sand along with cement is used to build houses and big buildings? In earlier times, what were the things used to build big palaces, which are still standing the same till today? Today we will tell you what buildings were made of earlier. Historical buildings of the country Many historical buildings are still present in India. Which are protected by the Government of India.…

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Cement is most widely used thing made by humans in world

Cement is most widely used thing made by humans in world

Today’s human was first a primitive human. Gradually his mind developed and he invented everything from stone tools to the wheel. Along with this, human civilization also developed and humans started inventing new things according to their needs. Today, from the time we get up from bed till we go to sleep again at night, we keep using things made by humans. Be it a bulb that lights in the room or a spoon for eating food. That is, everything from needle to airplane was created by humans and started…

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know the difference between concrete and asphalt damar road

know the difference between concrete and asphalt damar road

Road Types: At one time there were no roads to walk on. People used to walk on unpaved roads through the mountains to go from one place to another. But gradually, as modernity progressed, everything became modern. Roads were built for walking. Different types of roads started being built. You must have seen a lot of concrete roads and asphalt roads around you. Let us know what is the difference between these two roads made of concrete and dam. concrete road Concrete roads are also called CC i.e. cement concrete.…

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