Chanakya Niti: Acharya Chanakya received education from the world famous Takshashila University. He was not only a skilled diplomat but also a great strategist and economist. Acharya Chanakya has shared detailed views on the success of women, their relationship and conduct. Chanakya says that the women of the family are the backbone of the house. According to Chanakya, there are some special habits of the women present in the house, which play an important role in the happiness of the family. If women have these habits, then their family is…
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Chanakya Niti Six Happy Things Related To Previous Birth Chanakya Quotes In Hindi
Chanakya Niti: Chanakya has mentioned some such things which are related to the previous birth. Chanakya says that on the basis of the deeds of his previous birth, a man gets 5 such pleasures in the present life, due to which his life becomes successful. Let us know which are those five pleasures. Bhojyam Bhojanshakti Ratishaktir Varangana. Vibhavo Danshaktischa Na’lpasya Tapas: Fruit ॥ Life partner In this Kaliyuga, it is not in everyone’s destiny to get a good husband or wife. Chanakya says that only those who have done good…
Read MoreChanakya Niti Useless Son Destroy Whole Family Like Dry Tree Sets Whole Forest On Fire
Chanakya Niti: Family is the priceless treasure of every human being. If there is a sense of unity and love in the family, then life is no less than heaven. Chanakya has shared some such ideas regarding children which can ruin a happy family and also bring glory to the family. Chanakya in one of his shlokas has warned humans by comparing a child with a dry tree. Let’s know what are Chanakya’s views on children. एकन सुख्धव्रिक्षेन दह्यमानेन वहनिना। Dahyate Tadwanam Sarvam Kuputren Kulam and. Chanakya has told in…
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