How does a cheetah run faster than other animals? Scientists told the reason behind it.

Whenever a question is asked about the fastest running animal in the world, the name of Tiger i.e. Cheetah is taken first. The thing runs so fast, hardly any animal will be able to compete with it. But have you ever wondered how a cheetah is able to run so fast? Why can’t the lion, the king of the jungle, run fast? Today we will tell you the reason behind this.  What is the reason? A study published in Nature Communications Journal has revealed that the animals They are of…

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Jungle Safari The Jeep Is Open Then Why Dont The Animals Attack It

Jungle Safari: If you are fond of watching wild animals, then in India you have the option of National Park and many types of jungle safari. Here you will easily get to see ferocious wild animals like lion, cheetah etc. If you have ever taken the experience of Jungle Safari, then you would know very well, those who have not yet had this experience, they must have often seen in the photos that tourists are taken on safari in an open jeep. In such a situation, dreaded animals like lion,…

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