Do not ignore the prick in the chest, there can be 5 dangerous reasons

Do not ignore the prick in the chest, there can be 5 dangerous reasons

Chest Pain: Ignoring severe pain and prickling sensation in the chest can be dangerous. It is also called Angina Pectoris. This is a problem that can be dangerous. From heart attack to some more serious conditions, there may be sharp pricking and pain in the chest. Ignoring it can be risky. In such a situation, whenever you feel prickling and pain in the chest, you should go to the doctor without any delay. Let us know what are the reasons for pricking in the chest… Pneumonia A large number of…

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If you are hearing wheezing sound from your chest while sleeping, be careful.

If you are hearing wheezing sound from your chest while sleeping, be careful.

Chest Wheezing: Many times, a wheezing sound comes from the breath or chest while sleeping. Often we mistake it for the symptoms of common cough and cold, but sometimes this mistake can prove costly. Because such symptoms sometimes also indicate serious diseases. Therefore, whenever there is a wheezing sound from the chest, one should go to the doctor without any delay. Let us know what are the main causes of wheezing in the chest. cancer Wheezing sound coming from the chest is normal at times. However, it may cause cancer…

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