Alert! Due to heat wave, pregnant women may experience premature labour pain…child may be born, research reveals

At this time, there is severe heat not only in India but also in many countries of the world. At this time, the lives of many people are in danger due to heat wave and heat wave. Due to increasing heat and heat wave, everyone including elders, old people, children, pregnant women are very troubled. In some parts of India, the heat has reached 45-50 degrees Celsius."text-align: justify;">Heat has reached 50 degrees Celsius in these states of India These days, such extreme heat is being felt in Mungeshpur, Najafgarh and…

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Cesarean Delivery Side Effects Can Be Bother Mothers For Long Time

Cesarean delivery Side Effects: No one can understand the happiness of becoming a mother more than a mother. Cesarean delivery has helped a lot in the process of becoming a mother. Due to many types of risks of delivery, cesarean has reduced those risks for women whose normal delivery was in danger for the life of the mother or the child. But nowadays people give more emphasis on cesarean due to the priority of delivery on due date or to avoid pain. But cesarean delivery also has its disadvantages. Compared…

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