China Covid 19 Cases Experts Claims China Will Witness 3 Waves Of Corona Cases This Winter

China Covid 19 Cases Experts Claims China Will Witness 3 Waves Of Corona Cases This Winter

Covid-19 Cases In China: There is an outcry in China due to Corona infection. A high Chinese health official believes that the country is facing the first of three possible waves of Covid infection. Earlier this month, China had removed the lockdown and quarantine restrictions under the Kovid policy, since then the number of corona infected patients has started increasing rapidly there. The latest official figures, however, show a lower number of new daily cases. Only 2097 new cases of corona infection were registered in China on Sunday (December 18).…

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Has China succumbed to Corona, why did the whole strategy fail?

Has China succumbed to Corona, why did the whole strategy fail?

The corona virus that started from Wuhan in China has spread its wings all over the world. However, now people have learned to fight with it and live with it. But in the meantime, Corona is wreaking havoc in China, due to which the Chinese government is running a strict lockdown and a large-scale testing campaign. Troubled by the lockdown, people are now determined to shake hands with the police-administration there. Videos of clashes between police and people are going viral on social media. The question is to tell why…

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