China Experiment On Cow, Scientists Says Our Super Cow Will Be Able To Give 140 Liters Of Milk In A Day Produce 1 Thousand Such Cows | China is now experimenting on cow, scientist said

China Experiment On Cow, Scientists Says Our Super Cow Will Be Able To Give 140 Liters Of Milk In A Day Produce 1 Thousand Such Cows |  China is now experimenting on cow, scientist said

China Super Cow: China keeps on doing strange experiments on animals. Now Chinese scientists have claimed that they have prepared 3 ‘super cows’ through cloning. They say that this ‘super cow’ can give 140 liters of milk in a day. Scientists of China also claimed that the breed of cow (Super Cow) being prepared by them will be able to give 100 tonnes i.e. 2 lakh 83 thousand liters of milk in its entire life. According to media reports, Chinese scientists got their ‘Super Cow’ breeding done at Northwest University.…

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