China Corona Case Heavy Pressure On China Hospitals And Mortuaries India Merica Imposed Covid Strict Restrictions

China Corona Case Heavy Pressure On China Hospitals And Mortuaries India Merica Imposed Covid Strict Restrictions

China Corona News: The new wave of Corona has badly affected China. Due to the continuous infection and death of millions of people, there is a lot of pressure on China’s hospitals and mortuaries. The situation in China is that its resources are running out. Seeing the devastation in China, other countries have become alert. Many countries have imposed strict restrictions on the arrival of Chinese travelers. Crores of cases are coming to the foreActually, China has removed the corona lockdown, due to which crores of cases are coming up…

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China Lockdown Problems In Front Of Delivery Workers Forced To Stay Outside House

China Lockdown Problems In Front Of Delivery Workers Forced To Stay Outside House

China Lockdown: Corona continues to wreak havoc in China. Due to Corona, Zero Covid Policy is applicable in China. The Chinese government says that people’s lives can be saved only by zero covid policy. However, now this policy is creating economic problems in front of the people. The condition of the delivery staff is very bad due to the Covid lockdown. One such employee is Wang. Overworked, underpaid and completely fed up, Wang’s woes escalated when authorities suddenly refused to let delivery drivers into his Beijing apartment earlier this month,…

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China Coronavirus Cases Rapidly Increasing Lockdown In Many Cities Health Officials In Worry

China Coronavirus Cases Rapidly Increasing Lockdown In Many Cities Health Officials In Worry

China Coronavirus: Once again the cases of corona have started increasing rapidly in China. On Tuesday, the capital Beijing recorded a record jump in the number of Covid cases. After this, once again strict restrictions were imposed in the city. Schools were also asked to take online classes and restaurants were also closed. With this, people were advised to work from home. According to health officials, more than 28,000 new corona positive cases were registered in China on the previous day. Guangdong province and Chongqing city recorded more than 16,000…

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Corona Returns In China Again 2 Death Of Corona Patients In Beijing Park-office-shopping Mall Closed

Corona Returns In China Again 2 Death Of Corona Patients In Beijing Park-office-shopping Mall Closed

China Lockdown: Two patients infected with Kovid-19 died in Beijing on Tuesday, after which there has been a stir and the authorities have closed parks, offices and shopping malls, tightening the rules of Kovid. Along with this, strict lockdown rules have been implemented in the city’s most populous Chaoyang district and urged people not to leave the house unless necessary. Health officials have urged some 3.5 million residents of Chaoyang district to stay at home, as it has become the worst-hit area in the capital’s latest Covid outbreak. Local authorities…

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China Covid Cases Reports 31656 Hits Record High Covid Report Necessary In Public Place

China Covid Cases Reports 31656 Hits Record High Covid Report Necessary In Public Place

China Coronavirus Update: Once again the cases of Coronavirus have started increasing rapidly in China. On Wednesday, a record jump was recorded in the number of Kovid cases in China. According to health officials, 31656 new corona positive cases were registered in China last day. This is the biggest jump in the cases of Kovid-19 in China in a day. These figures are higher than the 29,390 infections recorded in mid-April. A day ago, more than 28000 new cases of Karona were registered in China. A continuous increase in corona…

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