Samsung Beats Apple World Number One Smartphone Maker Company iPhone Shipments Drop

Top Smartphone Maker Companies: The world’s top smartphone maker has now become not Apple but South Korean company Samsung. In fact, while sharing the data, research firm IDC said that a 10 percent decline has been seen in Apple’s shipments in the first quarter of 2024 i.e. January-March. During this period, Samsung has come in first place with 20.8 percent market share and Apple is in second place with 17.3 percent share. California company Apple had performed well in December last year and was at the first position. In the…

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Currency Printing Press: Most notes are printed in this country, orders are also received from neighboring countries

Most countries of the world now print their own currency. But even today there are many small countries, which take the help of other countries and companies to print currency. But you will be surprised to know that a Chinese company has come to the forefront in the matter of currency note printing in the whole world. Today we will tell you which countries’ currency this company is printing. China company According to the information, this company is a Chinese government company. But in the matter of currency note printing,…

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