Does chlorine present in swimming pool water cause problems? Bathing continuously for how many days can cause problems?

Swimming Pool Bath: Taking a bath in the swimming pool in the scorching heat has its own pleasure. It is also considered a good exercise but it also has many side effects (Swimming Pool Bath Side Effects). The body may also have to suffer many losses. Actually, chlorine is mixed in swimming pool water, which is added to clean the water. Excessive quantity can cause damage to the skin. Due to this, problems like skin infection, tanning and sunburn can occur. In such a situation, if you are also going…

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Is chlorine really added to swimming pools What harm does this do to the body

It is extremely hot all over the country. To get relief from the heat, some are taking the help of AC, while others are taking the help of cold water. Some people, troubled by the heat, go to take a bath in the swimming pool. But do you know that chlorine chemical is used to clean swimming pool water. Know what are the harms caused by chlorine chemical in the body. swimming pool To get relief from the heat during summer, many people take the help of swimming pool. But…

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Chlorine or urine in swimming pool causes eye irritation know the truth

Swimming Pool Water: Summer season has arrived. People adopt various methods to get rid of the heat. Some people stay sitting in AC. So some people drink cold beverages. So some people go to take bath in the swimming pool. During the summer season, people often visit places like water world and swimming pool. But here, after staying in water for a long time, people feel a burning sensation in their eyes. What is the reason behind this? Chlorine or urine present in swimming pool water. Let us know the…

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