health tips which foods that increase bad cholesterol know the risk

High Cholesterol : Due to deteriorating lifestyle and eating habits, many dangers have arisen for health nowadays. One of these is high cholesterol. When the level of cholesterol in the body increases, it not only increases the risk of dangerous diseases, but can also be life threatening. Actually, bad cholesterol accumulates in blood veins and arteries and makes them narrow. This can cause a heart attack, which can also be fatal. According to experts, there are some things that can increase cholesterol tremendously. In such a situation, one should stay…

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health tips 5 effective remedies to reduce high cholesterol level

Cholesterol : Nowadays, the lifestyle and eating habits are increasing the risk of increasing cholesterol in the body. This can cause many serious problems. Actually, cholesterol is a wax-like substance found in the blood, which is either produced by the liver or is deposited from whatever we eat and drink. The body needs cholesterol to stay healthy, but when its level increases, many serious problems can arise. When the level of cholesterol in the body increases, the risk of heart disease increases the most. This also increases the risk of…

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What is the best time to cycle for weight loss and cholesterol control

World Bicycle Day 2024: Like every year, this year too ‘World Cycling Day’ is being celebrated on 3rd June. Cycling is the best option to keep oneself fit. There is a lot of craze for cycling from youth to elders. Some people go for morning walk early in the morning. Some people cycle to solve their health problems. Cycling has many benefits. Today we will explain in detail how cycling helps in controlling weight as well as controlling cholesterol. The weight is reduced Cycling reduces body fat and also promotes…

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health tips high cholesterol reduce best remedies in hindi

High Cholesterol : If your cholesterol is also high then do not take it lightly, because it can badly affect the health of the heart. There are two types of cholesterol in the body, bad and good. Good cholesterol is good for staying healthy but bad cholesterol brings many problems with it. It increases the risk of heart related diseases. If your bad cholesterol level is also increasing then you can control it with 5 easy measures. Let’s know… 1. Drink warm waterWhen bad cholesterol level increases, one should drink…

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Breakfast: Include these 5 foods in breakfast, the risk of heart attack will reduce, bad cholesterol will get rid of.

Bad eating habits have the biggest impact on the heart. The risk of heart disease increases. If the food is wrong then bad cholesterol can increase, which is responsible for many heart problems. Increasing cholesterol level affects blood circulation, which can cause heart attack and stroke. Therefore, you should include those things in your diet which will keep cholesterol under control. Today we are going to tell you about 5 such foods, which if eaten in breakfast, will maintain the cholesterol level. Whole Grain Sandwich: Eating whole grain sandwich for…

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Why is it forbidden to drink tea after eating rice? If you don’t know then read the complete research.

We people living in South Asian region like to eat rice very much. We eat rice at least once a day. But after eating rice, the elders of the house often say one thing that do not drink tea. Today we will talk about whether it is really dangerous to drink tea after eating rice? Tea leaves are acidic We did a lot of research to know the answer to this question. During this time we found an answer in Quora. Which we are sharing with you. Tea leaves are…

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If you want to stay fit and healthy, include these 5 seeds in your daily diet, the benefits are amazing.

To stay healthy and fit, one has to take special care of food. There are many seeds which act as superfoods. All types of nutrients are found in them, which are very important for the body. Many small seeds help in keeping healthy. You can include these in your diet as per your choice. Today we are going to tell you about 5 such seeds (Seeds For Health), which are very powerful and help in improving the body. Eating sunflower seeds with nuts and dry fruits has many benefits for…

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Increasing cholesterol in the body is risky, it causes harm from heart to brain, know the dangers.

High Cholesterol: High cholesterol is considered dangerous for health. It can have many serious side effects. Cholesterol is a substance like wax. The body needs it to perform many functions. As long as its level remains correct, there is no problem, but when the amount of cholesterol in the body starts increasing, problems start. It accumulates in the blood vessels. The risk of chest pain and coronary artery disease increases. However, high cholesterol can harm the body in many ways, not just for the heart. There is also a risk…

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Cholesterol: Are you also troubled by cholesterol? So consume these small tips, you will get relief

The risk of cholesterol is increasing among people these days. To avoid this, people take many medicines, but taking excessive medicines can be harmful for health. To avoid this, today we are going to tell you about a thing which looks very small but it is a panacea for cholesterol. We are talking about flaxseed. Consumption of flaxseed is very beneficial in reducing cholesterol. Let us know about its benefits. Benefits of flaxseed  Linseed is a small, brown seed. Consuming it provides many health benefits. It is rich in omega-3,…

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