climate change

will Antarctica glaciers disappear in 200 years shocking revelation science facts

There are some things which protect humans from the heat of the sun. One of…

August 2024 was the hottest Month ever Scientists Claim 2024 Could Become Hottest Year

The global temperature for the January-August period was recorded at 0.70 degrees Celsius above the…

Why is Germany building huge wells? After knowing the reason you will say that this should happen in India too

Due to climate change, underground water is rapidly depleting in the world. Especially fresh water.…

global warming report how much do Indians know about climate change

Climate change is a serious problem for the entire world including India. Many of the…

International Tiger Day 2024 number of tigers in the country increased know last 20 years data and all details

International Tiger Day 2024: around the world today International Tiger Day being observed, start celebrating…

carbon dioxide level reaches on Record level increase Clouds hovering in the atmosphere above Earth NASA released video

CO2 Rising: The US Space Agency (NASA) has presented a map in which it has…

Climate change affects crop yield, know what do experts say

The effect of climate change is also being seen on farms. In areas where ground…

Sometimes extreme heat, sometimes extreme cold and now torrential rain, why is there so much change in the weather?

North India is receiving torrential rains these days. Especially if we talk about Delhi NCR,…