know what is cloud seeding which drowned Dubai in just 10 hours of rain

Cloud Seeding In Dubai: Dubai, the most modern city of United Arab Emirates on 16 April. It was almost completely submerged. This kind of rain has never been seen before in this city situated in the desert. Rain in Dubai broke 70 years old record. So in just one day, as much rain fell as it does in two years. What was the reason behind the heavy rain in Dubai? What is this cloud seeding system? Using which it rained in Dubai. And just 10 hours of rain created a…

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Anand Mahindra shared dubai flood video which is not liked by jet airways former ceo Sanjiv Kapoor

Dubai Flood: There has been unexpected rain in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently. Due to this, there has been unprecedented flood in Dubai situated in the middle of the desert. Its photos and videos are popular on social media. The roads are filled with water. People living in Dubai are facing a lot of problems due to this rain. Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra shared a video on the situation after the rain. In this he compared Dubai with Mumbai. Former Jet Airways CEO Sanjiv Kapoor did not like…

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How does artificial rain happen? See how different it is from real rain.

  We cannot even imagine life without water. The whole world needs water the most. Rain water is one of the major natural sources of water. This is the reason why countries like China are working on the technology of artificial rain. Today we will tell you how artificial rain occurs and how different it is from real rain.  How does artificial rain occur? Artificial Rain That means cloud seeding is a climate changing technology. Through this, some substances are added to the clouds, which cause rain. According to the…

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