Take special care of these things during coconut cultivation, you will earn a lot

If coconut farming is done in the right way, then good income can be earned. With the right care and a little hard work, you can earn good money from coconut farming. Today we will tell you what things should be taken special care of during coconut farming so that your crop is good and you can earn a lot.  Choose the right placeCoconut trees grow well in hot and humid places. Sandy soil is best for them, in which water dries easily and the roots do not rot.  Plant…

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Once planted, you get income for the whole life, this fruit bears fruit continuously for 80 years. – News18 Hindi

Dheeraj Kumar/Madhepura. Great grandfather plants, till great grandson eats the fruits. Yes! Coconut is such a fruit that if a great grandfather plants its tree in his childhood, even the great grandson can eat its fruit. It is a different matter that despite the establishment of Coconut Development Board by the Government of India years ago in Sinheshwar of Madhepura district, farmers did not start coconut cultivation on a large scale in this area. But, you will be surprised to know that in the coconut plantation, along with planting other…

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