health tips ayurvedic and home remedies for cough in hindi

Cough Ayurvedic Remedies: Some people suffer from cough due to changes in weather and cold winds. Asthma patients or allergy sufferers may have more trouble with cough. This is a season in which immunity is weak, hence special care should be taken about eating habits and lifestyle. It is not good to eat too much fried food during cough. Sometimes cough also occurs due to pollution. If there is fever along with cough during the changing weather, then it can be a sign of infection in the respiratory tract or…

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health tips home remedies and prevention to avoid diseases in changing weather

Health Tips: March has started and the weather is changing. Feeling mild heat during the day and coolness at night. Due to which diseases like cold, fever, headache, stomach ache, body ache, eye irritation, eczema and flu are increasing. This is the season when problems also increase for asthma patients. People with weak immune system have more problems. In such a situation, some changes are needed in the daily routine in this season, so that health does not face any kind of problem. Let us know… 1. Avoid running the…

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After how many days does cough and cold become dangerous? Taking it lightly can be dangerous.

Cold and Cough: Winters are about to end and now the summer season is slowly coming. It is common to catch cold during this change in weather. This happens due to infection. This problem also occurs due to change in temperature in the morning and evening. It is normal to have a cold for two-three days, but if this problem persists for a longer period then you should be alert, because then it can become dangerous. Let us know what should be done in such a situation… Risk of acute…

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3 common medicines for cough, cold and pain are under scrutiny, do you also take these?

Cold Cough Medicines: Three common medicines often used for cough, cold and pain are under investigation. In such a situation, if you also take these medicines then be careful. In fact, the Central Drug Regulator has ordered a fresh trial on the safety and effectiveness of two cold and cough medicines and one pain medicine which have been in use for 30 years. If you also take these medicines when you have a little cold or pain, then know the names of these medicines here and read the full news……

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Incredible Health Benefits Of Mishri Nobody Told You

Most Indians like to eat sugar candy with fennel. After eating food in restaurants, sugar candy along with fennel is often given. Have you ever wondered why this is done? We tell you the reason behind this. Sugar candy plays an important role in Indian food and worship. The taste of sugar candy is quite different from that of sugar. Also, whatever problem occurs in the body, sugar candy easily cures it. According to Ayurveda, there are many benefits of eating sugar candy. Beneficial in cough and cold Mishri is…

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Winter Health Tips Know How To Prepare Vicks On Homemade In Hindi

Homemade Vicks Process: Winter season is going on. It is extremely cold in many places. In such a situation, the risk of diseases is also increasing rapidly. The problem of cold and cough troubles a lot in this season. Especially small children suffer from cold and cough more often. In such a situation, Vicks is also used along with home remedies. This provides relief to children from cold and cough. However, if you want, you can make Homemade Vicks for your child at home instead of buying it from the…

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Winter Health Tips What Should Avoid In Cold Cough In Hindi

Cold-Cough: As the winter season is going on, the problem of cold and cough is increasing. Infectious diseases increase rapidly these days. In such a situation, if cold and cough are not cured in time, the problems may increase. There are many things whose consumption increases the problem of cold and cough. Therefore, in case of cold and cough (Cold-Cough Home Remedies), one should avoid eating these things. Know what should not be eaten during cold and cough… Avoid sour things It is very important to have strong immunity in…

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