Cough and Cold Symptoms: Cough, cold, fever are seasonal diseases. These diseases take hold as soon as the weather changes. They are also called normal flu ie influenza. Cold, cough give pain in the head. Fatigue persists throughout the day. People immediately take medicine for protection. But one thing always remains in the discussion that if there is a cold, the medicine should not be taken immediately. People have logic behind this that cold gets frozen. Apart from headache, it can also cause serious problems like sinus. Let’s try to…
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Cough And Cold Symptoms People Are Getting Due To Cold Virus
Cough And Cold: Corona wreaked havoc in the country. Took millions of people in their grip. Thousands of people lost their lives in the grip of this virus. Still a large number of people are in the grip of long covid. This virus is constantly troubling them. Experts say that Corona is still in the air. There is a need to be cautious about its mutation. But there needs to be more alert here because many cold viruses are floating in the air in the changing season. Cough and cold…
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