consumer complaint for selling product on more than mrp know the details

Consumer Complaints: People buy almost every kind of goods from outside. And the first thing people do while buying goods is check its MRP. MRP means Maximum Retail Price, that is, at what maximum price can an item be shipped. If we talk about MRP in India, then in the year 2006, MRP was implemented on products by the Government of India under the Consumer Protection Act. But there are still many shopkeepers who sell goods to customers at a price higher than the MRP. Let us tell you that…

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What is black magic act How a case was registered against Rahul Gandhi in Pune under this Act

People practice black magic in many places. Mayong in Assam state of India is also famous for this. But can any action be taken against those who practice black magic? Today we will tell you about the Black Magic Act. Know what kind of action can be taken against crimes under this Act. Black Magic Act These days, the Black Magic Act is being mentioned a lot on social media. In fact, a complaint has been filed against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in Pune under the Black Magic Act 2013…

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power cut complaint toll free numbers for delhiites know the full details

Power Cut Complaint: These days, there is severe heat in many states of India. Due to which people are in a miserable condition. The scorching sun and the increasing temperature day by day has made it difficult for people to go out. To avoid the heat, people are mostly preferring to stay at home. Because heat can be easily avoided at home with the help of AC and cooler. But the electricity companies are creating problems for the people in this too, these days there are a lot of power…

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If the auto driver is refusing to use meter then complain here action will be taken by authority

Complaint Against Auto Driver: Public transport facilities in India are quite good. Especially in metropolitan cities, one has to go from one place to another. So one can easily get metro or bus service. But often bus and metro are where you have to go. It takes time to reach that route. In such a situation, people book an auto or taxi and go away. So that he can go where he needs to go on time. Reach there. But many times auto drivers take passengers without meter despite their…

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What is called false emergency, why did the government say to be careful if you see this on shopping websites?

In the internet world, most of the people like to do everything online. From small to big household items, medical kits, we order online. But do you know that a lot of frauds also happen in this online era. Today we are going to tell you about false urgency related to this. Know what false urgency is. The government has also alerted the public regarding this.  False Urgency You must have seen many times on the phone that different online notifications Let’s come. In which some offers, some information, some…

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Ordered goods worth Rs 30 thousand and napkins came in a box, if this ever happens to you then complain here.

In this age of internet, most of the people like to order everything online. But many times it happens that we get something else in place of what we order. In such a situation, customers get upset. Recently, a women’s rights activist had ordered goods worth Rs 30,000 online, but when the order reached home, she was stunned. Because only napkins were found in his order box. Today we will tell you where you can complain if something like this happens.  What is the matter? According to the information, Uttar…

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If insurance company is not paying the money then you can submit online complaint against them know the details

Insurance Company Complaint: Nowadays almost everyone takes insurance. Which also benefits them on many occasions. Life insurance, medical insurance are present in many insurance markets. But after taking insurance, when you claim it. And the insurance company may not give you a claim. Then you definitely have problems. And despite your repeated requests, they are denying your claim. So in such a situation you can complain to the insurance company. For this, there is a grievance redressal officer in every insurance company. But even there your complaint does not go…

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you can complaint against petrol pumps on the online portal of government

Petrol Pump: Often people fill petrol and diesel very carefully at petrol pumps. People ensure that the petrol pump employee does not commit any fraud while filling petrol or diesel in their car. But many times petrol employees are caught doing this. But when their complaint is made then no action is taken on it. The petrol pump administration also ignores your point. In such a situation you should not be disappointed. Because the government has made complete arrangements for you. Now you face any kind of injustice or rigging…

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