Eyes Care Tips Computer Vision Syndrome Symptoms Causes And Prevention In Hindi

Eyes Care Tips Computer Vision Syndrome Symptoms Causes And Prevention In Hindi

Computer Vision Syndrome: Nowadays everyone is spending more time on the screen. Excessive use of gadgets like mobile, computer, laptop, TV is called computer vision syndrome. This problem has become common in children and teenagers. This problem occurs in the eyes after spending a long time on the screen. If those who spend more than two hours on the screen every day, this problem is more. Let us understand the symptoms, causes and prevention of computer vision syndrome to protect children from this disease. computer vision syndrome According to eye…

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Eye Care Watery Eyes While Working On Laptop Is A Serious Sign Dont Ignore It

Eye Care Watery Eyes While Working On Laptop Is A Serious Sign Dont Ignore It

Eye Care: Working people know very well that while working on computer or laptop, how much stress is put on the eyes. Continuously keeping the eyes fixed on the computer has such a bad effect that water starts coming out of the eyes. By working on the system for many hours daily, when a person becomes a victim of a disease called computer vision syndrome, he gradually comes to know. Whether it is a mobile phone or a laptop, if you use them for many hours daily, then there is…

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