Side Effect Of Drinking Cold Or Chilled Water In Summer

Side Effect Of Cold Water: The summer season has arrived. The heat is at its peak in the month of April itself. In many cities, the temperature is breaking records. Overall, it is getting very hot. Now in such a situation, it is also necessary to keep yourself hydrated. Some people resort to cold water to avoid the torture of summer. As if a sip of cold water gives you relief, but do you know that your 2 minutes of relief can become a disaster for you. Cold water can…

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Constipation Tips How To Get Rid Of Constipation In Kids

Constipation In Kids: Constipation is such a problem which is seen sometime or the other in everyone from children to old people. This problem is mostly faced by children. Because they often run away from nutritious diet and consume more of outside things. In the problem of constipation, the stomach is not cleaned properly and hard and dry stool comes, due to which pain and cramps are experienced. This problem gives a lot of trouble to children and they have a lot of difficulty in defecating. There can be some…

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Is Urine Good For Health And It Cure So Many Diseases In Health

Many times doctors advise that drinking juice will make you feel better or drinking fruit juice gives energy. But, now it is also being said that drinking urine also keeps health good. Yes, there are many such reports on the internet, which advocate that drinking urine is beneficial for health. It is claimed that urine gets rid of diseases ranging from skin related diseases to constipation. However, many people believe that there is no scientific evidence behind this and doing so can cause more harm to health. So know what…

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You Will Easily Get Rid Of The Problem Of Constipation Try These Home Remedies Once

Constipation Remedies: The problem of constipation is due to disturbances in food and drink. Due to this problem, the account of both hunger and mood gets spoiled. Some of the most common causes of constipation include dietary factors such as consumption of junk food, drinking alcohol, overeating, insufficient fiber in the diet, lack of water intake and heavy meat consumption. Other causes include smoking and lack of exercise. But there are some Ayurvedic home remedies that can help in getting rid of constipation. However, it is important to note that…

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Health Tips These Foods Can Unknowingly Cause Constipation

Foods That Cause Constipation: Our body has to face many problems during the winter season. Constipation is one of those problems which bothers people a lot. This problem is increasing due to poor eating habits and deteriorating lifestyle of the people. Drinking less water, consuming more fast food, not exercising, eating less fiber rich foods, late dinner are the main reasons for constipation. The problem of constipation increases especially in the winter season. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some such foods from which it…

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