Tea: Indians want tea again and again during the day, but do you know how many countries we are behind in the use of tea?

People often say that if the morning starts with tea, it will be fun. Not only this, some people want tea as soon as they wake up in the morning. Some people also call it bed tea. In India, tea is like a meal, which people drink several times throughout the day, because their day does not pass without tea. Some people think that tea is consumed the most in India. But in reality it is not so. Today we will tell you in which countries tea is consumed more…

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These leaves are no less than medicine, consuming them gives relief from many diseases.

  There are many medicinal plants in India. But today we are going to tell you about a plant which is easily available in every home. Yes, you recognized it right, we are talking about the Tulsi plant. Consuming it boosts the immunity of our body and keeps us safe from diseases in the changing seasons. Today we are going to tell you other benefits of basil also.  Medicinal properties of basil Many medicinal properties are present in basil. To include it in their diet, people also include it in…

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Why does alcohol attack the liver leaving aside the rest of the body, the doctor told the surprising reason

  People who drink alcohol in excess often approach the doctor with liver problems. But have you ever wondered why alcohol attacks only the liver instead of other parts of the body? While talking to the media, a doctor has given some information regarding the liver. Today we will tell you why alcohol attacks the liver.  Arguments of those who drink alcohol People who drink alcohol often do many things in their mind. Let’s argue. Some people also say that alcohol melts the extra fat in the stomach. Some thin…

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