How safe is the birth control pills read full article in hindi

How safe is the birth control pills read full article in hindi

Birth control pills are a type of birth control that is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy when taken continuously every day. The pill contains hormones that regulate menstruation, reduce PMS symptoms, reduce the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer, improve acne and treat endometriosis. What is the contraceptive pill? The birth control pill is a type of oral contraceptive that uses hormones to prevent pregnancy. You take it by mouth. A contraceptive is any type of birth control. Any device or method to prevent pregnancy. It is called the pill…

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Spotting Before Periods Top 5 Causes and Prevention Tips

Spotting Before Periods Top 5 Causes and Prevention Tips

Every month when women have their periods, many changes take place in their body. But sometimes there is light bleeding even before the periods start, which is called ‘spotting’. This is usually not a matter of concern, but there can be many reasons for it. Today we will know the five main causes of spotting and tell you easy ways to avoid it, so that you can deal with this problem easily. hormonal imbalanceHormonal imbalance is the most common cause of spotting. When the balance of estrogen and progesterone hormones…

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Health Tips Do Not Use Contraceptive Pills Know Its Side Effects

Health Tips Do Not Use Contraceptive Pills Know Its Side Effects

Contraceptive Pills Side Effects: To avoid unwanted pregnancy, women take contraceptive pills. There are some women who keep taking these pills for a long time. By doing this, they may have many problems related to health. According to a study, excessive consumption of contraceptive pills can destroy the emotion of women and they can become emotionless. Not only this, taking birth control pills continuously can also lead to death. Therefore, whenever you consume these pills, do so only on the advice of the doctor. Let’s know its side effects and…

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How Birth Control Pills Work How They Affect Woman Body

How Birth Control Pills Work How They Affect Woman Body

Birth Control Pills: Birth control pills are a way to avoid unwanted pregnancy. There are many types of birth control pills available in the market. This also includes hormonal contraceptives available in the form of ‘pill’. Some people resort to pills to prevent pregnancy. This is the most popular method of preventing pregnancy. If pills are taken in the right way, then it gives success up to 99.9 percent. However, one thing is to be noted here that if someone has got an infection like HIV due to sexual intercourse,…

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