Kitchen tips how to check the purity of cooking oil

Kitchen TipsOil is the most important ingredient for cooking, no vegetable, paratha or any kind of dish can be made without cooking oil. But these days fake oil is coming in the market in large quantities and due to low prices, people are using this fake oil. This fake oil can be very harmful for your health and can also cause heart and brain damage, so today we tell you how you can identify real and fake oil (how to check purity of cooking oil). In this way, identify real…

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ICMR warning: High intake of bread butter and cooking oil can be harmful for health

ICMR warning: Do you also use a lot of bread butter in breakfast in your house and a lot of refined cooking oil is used to make vegetable parathas, then be careful, because recently the Indian Council of Medical Research i.e. ICMR has issued a warning. He has told that bread butter and refined oil are one of the most harmful food items for health. Due to which the risk of obesity, heart attack and stroke etc. increases. So let us tell you what harm can happen by eating these…

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How many times can the oil be used? You should heat it only so often, otherwise it will cause cancer.

Reuse Cooking Oil: Whether you want to make puris, make pakodas or fry samosas or kachoris, oil is used in it and after frying these things, oil is also left in the pan, which people usually keep using for many days. . But today we will tell you how many times you should heat used oil, otherwise it can also cause cancer. So let us know how and how many times we can reuse the used oil. Disadvantages of repeatedly heating oil If you heat the same oil again and…

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Never use these five oils in food, otherwise your health will be ruined.

While cooking, you often want to use such oil, which will keep your family’s health good. Also, the taste of the food should also be excellent. In such a situation, many types of oils are said to be very good for health, but there are some oils which can spoil the health of you and your family. Let us introduce you to five such oils, the use of which can spoil your health. Corn Oil Corn oil is very harmful for health. The potential toxic present in it increases the…

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