500 people with the same face, how is this happening in China

500 people with the same face, how is this happening in China

Many people believe that there are about 7 people in the world who have the same face. But what if we tell you that in one country alone there are about 500 people who have the same face. Actually, this is the case of China. There are about 500 faces here that look the same. Let us tell you how this happened. Is this a gift of nature or is there a human mind behind it. How did this happen in China According to the report of South China Post,…

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The fad of getting plastic surgery on the mother of 4 children! Something happened in the hospital that the family is now regretting

The fad of getting plastic surgery on the mother of 4 children!  Something happened in the hospital that the family is now regretting

Sucreta Tolliver, a resident of Chicago (Chicago Usa), was admitted to a hospital in the Dominican Republic on 12 December for cosmetic surgery. Tolliver’s daughter, Maria Price, says that she started bleeding soon after the surgery. Doctors tried and got admitted in another hospital. Price said, I spoke to him on the phone the night before he passed away. She was in a lot of pain. She was feeling such severe pain that she could not even talk and the news of her death came in the morning. I would…

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