Cold at night and heat during the day is due to changing weather make you Sick | Summer in day

Cold at night and heat during the day is due to changing weather make you Sick | Summer in day

The winter season is now going to end slowly. Now light heat is being felt during the day. Cold is also being felt in the morning and night. With this changing season, the risk of many diseases also increases. Due to the changing weather, the problem of cold-cough, allergy and fever can be seen in many people. If your immunity is weak, then you can easily be vulnerable to these diseases. In such a situation, you must take full care of your health with this changing season. So let’s know…

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Drink tea with ginger in winter and drink tea, cold and cold

Drink tea with ginger in winter and drink tea, cold and cold

Both dry cough or phlegm bothers too much. People who have problems with bronchitis such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is common for them to get rid of nausea, mucus, nose and eyes during cough. Old cough can begin for many reasons. Due to which the immunity of people becomes weak. Due to change in weather, there is swelling in the nasal tube. Do mix these 2 things in ginger tea Drinking ginger juice in winter does not cause cough, cold cold, it has antioxidants and anti -inflammatory…

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what is the difference between viral fever and bacterial infection read full article in hindi

what is the difference between viral fever and bacterial infection read full article in hindi

You may find the symptoms of viral fever and bacterial infection quite common. But there is a lot of difference between the two. Let us know from the doctor what is the difference between viral fever and bacterial infection. Viral fever comes for a short time. Cold and cough may or may not occur in viral infections. Viral fever can be cured on its own without any investigation. Viral fever spreads rapidly among people who come in contact with you. Antibiotics are not required in case of viral fever. Cold…

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Influenza in Winter: Influenza cases are increasing rapidly due to cold, know its causes and symptoms.

Influenza in Winter: Influenza cases are increasing rapidly due to cold, know its causes and symptoms.

Influenza which is commonly known as flu. Influenza is an infection caused by viruses (such as A/B/H1N1/H3N2) that occur in the respiratory tract. This can range from mild to severe and may increase the risk. Especially children, elderly and people with weak immunity often get this disease.   COVID-19 or Respiratory Syncytial Virus There are some early symptoms to manage influenza, reduce its spread and prevent complications. It is important for everyone to pay attention to symptoms such as fever, body ache, fatigue, cough, blocked nose and sore throat and…

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some things you can mix with honey to help with a cold or cough read full article in hindi

some things you can mix with honey to help with a cold or cough read full article in hindi

Since ancient times, honey is often used to relieve cough, fever or sore throat. We can also use lemon in honey tea. In winter, honey is often used by mixing other things to cure cold and cough. But is honey alone enough to ease cough? Honey is used to reduce respiratory diseases or respiratory tract infections and cough. Honey is used to reduce cough and for good sleep. Honey works as well as diphenhydramine (di-phen-hee-dru-meen). When giving honey to a child, keep in mind that it is safe for children…

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Swami Ramdev tips to protect yourself from cold related diseases

Swami Ramdev tips to protect yourself from cold related diseases

It is extremely cold in North India. The severe cold that has been occurring for the last four days has spoiled the health of the people. Hospitals are being crowded with patients suffering from cold, cough, fever, pneumonia and respiratory diseases. In many hospitals, the number of patients suffering from these diseases caused by cold has increased by 45 percent. The situation is such that sugar and heart patients are being advised to be especially careful. Risk of these diseases increases due to winter Cold wave is going on in…

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health tips why cough increases at night in winter know best remedies

health tips why cough increases at night in winter know best remedies

Night Time Cough Remedies : During cold days, most of the people are troubled by the problem of cough. When the temperature decreases, not only flu and cough with mucus but also dry cough increases. There can be many reasons for cough during winter season. The cough that continues throughout the day starts bothering you more at night. Because of this we are not able to sleep properly. In such a situation, let us know why cough suddenly increases at night, what is its reason and what are the best…

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Mix this white powder in tea, the mucus stuck inside will come out, also relief from gas and acidity.

Mix this white powder in tea, the mucus stuck inside will come out, also relief from gas and acidity.

There is a tradition in every Indian kitchen to make tea first thing in the morning. People’s day does not start without tea, although it is the cause of many stomach related problems, but despite this people have the habit of drinking it. People believe that tea removes the stress of the day. But the dietitian believes that if you know how to drink tea, it will not harm you. Let us know how to make it tasty and healthy… According to dietitian Swati Bishnoi, if you add a little…

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This red soup increases immunity rapidly, is unmatched in taste, also keeps cold and cough away, here is the recipe.

This red soup increases immunity rapidly, is unmatched in taste, also keeps cold and cough away, here is the recipe.

How to make tomato carrot soup: If you want to avoid cold and cough in the changing weather, then it would be better to include such things in your diet which help in increasing immunity. If you want to boost immunity in a natural way then this red soup is a great option. It not only makes you strong from within, but with its regular consumption, common diseases like cold and cough can also be avoided. The special thing is that the taste of this soup is incomparable and it…

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honey beneficial in infection cough heart attack health tips

what is the difference between viral fever and bacterial infection read full article in hindi

Sugar is used a lot in our homes. This sweet substance is used in everything from making tea to making sweets. Sugar is made by refining sugarcane juice. After which only sucrose, lactose and fructose remain in it. All three are harmful for the body. The sweetness of sugar can cause many diseases to the body, so honey can be used instead of it. This is a very healthy option and can cure many health related problems. Let us know what are the benefits of eating honey… If someone is…

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