Amidst democracy, monarchy continues in these countries of the world, now demand is rising in Nepal too

Once upon a time the whole world was dominated only by kings. However, apart from India, there were many countries which were enslaved by the British. But after years of long struggle, after gaining independence, many countries adopted constitutional democracy. But despite that, monarchy still exists in some countries of the world. Today we will tell you which countries in the world still have monarchy and why the demand for monarchy is rising again in Nepal.   Nepal The demand for restoration of monarchy has once again arisen in the…

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After all, what is blasphemy, does it have anything to do with Hindus?

  From newspapers to social media, you must have heard about the blasphemy law many times. Recently, in the neighboring country of Pakistan, some local people surrounded a woman and demanded punishment under the blasphemy law. But do you know what the blasphemy law is? Today we will tell you what is the blasphemy law and what is the punishment under it.  Blasphemy Blasphemy means any religion or belief. Making fun of faith. Insulting any religious symbols, signs, sacred objects, lack of respect for God or disrespect towards anything considered…

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Farmers of this country are the happiest, know at which number India is

  We all have read in books since childhood that India is an agricultural country. But do you know that in today’s time, apart from India, which other countries have the highest farming and production? Today we will tell you which country’s farmers are the happiest.  Which countries are at the top Today, the world’s four biggest producers The countries include America, China, India and Brazil. All these countries cultivate a large area. America is called a super power in the world’s food market. Whereas production is taking place on…

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You cannot name your children in these countries, the government can take action

  Whenever a child arrives at home, the entire family is very curious about his name. Apart from family members, friends and relatives all are busy searching for the name of the child. Not only this, there is confusion in the minds of everyone from family members to relatives regarding different names of the child. But do you know that there are many countries in the world where there are government rules regarding the names of children. Today we are going to tell you about a country where some names…

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Where do migratory birds stop in the middle of a long journey, read interesting facts

  The displacement of birds traveling thousands of kilometers on earth in cold and other seasons has always surprised people. Scientists also keep studying all aspects of why and how these birds travel. In the study published in Current Biology, the researchers have discovered a method by which it can be found out where during the migration journey these birds stop, rest, and after regaining their energy, set out again. This will make it easier to conserve the birds.  Places to stay  Let us tell you that the issue of…

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Why Do People In China And Many Countries Drink Snake Blood? Know How Dangerous This Is

Snake is considered one of the most poisonous animals in the world. There are many snakes like King Cobra or Krait, whose bite can kill a person instantly. But do you know that in many countries of the world people drink snake blood. They also get bitten by snakes to get drunk. Today we will tell which people of which countries drink snake blood. In these countries, people drink snake blood. In many countries of the world, people drink snake blood. Let us tell you that snake wine is very…

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Hit and run laws in foreign countries are more strict than in India, fine up to Rs 56 lakh in UAE

  Strike is going on across the country regarding the new hit and run law of the central government. Due to this strike, common citizens are facing many problems. But do you know what is the law and punishment regarding hit and run in other countries? Today we will tell you what are the provisions of punishment in countries other than India.  Know what is the law in UAE  United Arab Emirates In (UAE), strict action is taken in hit and run cases. In hit and run cases in UAE,…

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Such countries of the world where not even a single Indian lives? Know what is the reason

It is said that if you go to any corner of the world, you will definitely see one or the other Indian there. From America to Australia, from Europe to Africa and from China to Japan, everywhere you will find Indians in significant numbers as compared to citizens of other countries. However, this is not factually correct. There are many countries in the world where not even a single Indian lives. Today we will tell you about those countries where not even a single Indian lives. It is settled, people…

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