China Spread Covid-19 Wuhan Researcher Claims China Engineered Covid-19 Bioweapon To Purposely Infect People | China Covid-19 Bioweapon: ‘Corona’ was China’s only biological weapon, reveals Wuhan researcher

China Spread Covid-19 Wuhan Researcher Claims China Engineered Covid-19 Bioweapon To Purposely Infect People |  China Covid-19 Bioweapon: ‘Corona’ was China’s only biological weapon, reveals Wuhan researcher

China Covid-19 Bioweapon: The Corona epidemic (Covid-19 Pandemic), which has created worldwide furore, may be on the verge of ending, but this epidemic has proved to be so frightening and mysterious that its origin has remained a topic of discussion for many years. First of all, this epidemic infected the people of China and then within a few days it spread to other countries of the world. Many researchers of the world pointed fingers at China for this epidemic, even the World Health Organization (WHO) sent a team to China…

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