Corona Symptoms Corona Cases Are Increasing Rapidly In India

Corona Symptoms Corona Cases Are Increasing Rapidly In India

Covid Symptoms: In the year 2019, Kovid was declared an epidemic. This virus, which came from China, created a ruckus in the whole world. In the year 2021, patients in every house in India came under the grip of this virus. Lakhs of people got infected by this virus, while thousands of people died. After this, now such a dangerous wave of Corona has not been seen. Although the corona is still floating in the air. Once again an increase in the number of corona cases can be seen in…

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Corona Side Effects Since Corona People Have Been Suffered By Many Diseases

Corona Side Effects Since Corona People Have Been Suffered By Many Diseases

Covid Side Effects: Corona has once again started increasing in the country. It is rapidly infecting people. Although the virus is not that dangerous, but its infectious rate is very high. In the year 2021, the wave of Corona was seen in India. Thousands of people lost their lives after getting infected with this virus. But the effect of Kovid is being seen in the body for a long time. But Corona did not come alone, the kind of problems people are seeing. It seems from him that due to…

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