An animal was caught in the clutches of 3 crocodiles in the river, one had grabbed it tightly, then a miracle happened, it survived like this!

It is said that one should not make an enemy of a crocodile while living in water. This is because one cannot tell when it will attack its prey and make it its prey in no time. But this saying is not true every time. Sometimes the crocodile itself becomes the prey, and sometimes the prey escapes from its clutches very easily. One such video is going viral on social media, in which a wildebeest, an animal of the deer species, gets trapped in the clutches of 3 crocodiles. That…

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T-Rex dinosaurs were no more intelligent than monkeys, today’s crocodiles were as smart as lizards – new research

If you have seen the movie Jurassic Park, then it has been told how clever and clever hunters were the Tay Rex dinosaurs. According to the film, he was smarter than humans, but this is not true. In fact, scientists used to believe that hunter-gatherer dinosaurs were actually very smart. But a new study has claimed that he was not as clever as was thought. Researchers claim that they were the smartest among reptiles, but not as intelligent as monkeys. A team including researchers from the University of Bristol and…

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Science also accepted that the snake which churned the ocean, Vasuki, lived in India only.

You must have seen the churning of the ocean in serials. In which gods and demons are seen churning the ocean with a huge snake, so that nectar can be obtained. In the religious scriptures, that snake has been called Nag Vasuki snake. Till now science has considered these things only imaginary. But for the first time, scientists have found evidence that the snake Vasuki was present on Earth. Not only this, it was found in India. It was so huge that its length was equal to a big bus.…

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Crocodile Babies Gender Change: Does the gender of crocodile babies change due to temperature, know the science behind it

 There are millions of species of animals present in the world. All these animals also have their own distinct characteristics. But today we are going to tell you about an animal whose gender of its children changes with changing temperature. Yes you read it right. Gender changes due to temperature. Know how this is possible Crocodile According to the information, with the change in temperature, the gender of crocodile babies also changes. According to scientists, not only crocodiles but also the babies of fish and turtles change their gender due…

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tortoise did not become a victim of the crocodile watch viral video

Animals Viral Video: Giant animals often want to hunt small animals. However, sometimes they have to work hard to make food for their prey. Even their prey tricks them. These days a similar video is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In this video a giant crocodile is trying to hunt a turtle. But the tortoise manages to escape from the crocodile to save his life. The video of this incident is becoming increasingly viral on social media. Know what is special in the video? In this video going viral,…

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Which animal living in your homes is the biggest killer of humans? It will be difficult to believe after knowing

Sometimes animals are very cute and sometimes they even become a threat to our lives. In a year, millions of people die due to bites of different animals, but do you know which animal is the cause of death of millions of people around the world. Besides, it is also an animal which is found everywhere where there are humans. How many deaths occur due to the bite of which animal?World Atlas released a report of human deaths caused by animals. In which a shocking revelation was made. According to…

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Story When Lord Vishnu Ran Barefoot To Save Elephant Gajraj From Crocodile Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay

Story of Gajendra Moksha: Lord Vishnu loves his devotees infinitely. An example of this is also found in the story of Shrimad Bhagwat Purana. In this story, it was told how Vishnu ji ran barefoot to save the life of an elephant who was in dire trouble. What is this story and what does it mean? Let’s know- Story of Gajendra MokshaIt occurred a long time ago. There was a mountain named Trikut in Kshirsagar. A family of elephants used to live here. Whose head was Gajraj Gajendra. Gajraj Gajendra…

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Crocodile Farming In Thailand For Their Skin And Meat

Crocodile Farming: Till now you must have heard of vegetables and fruits farming, but have you ever heard of crocodile farming? Yes, crocodiles are cultivated in one country of the world. Farm houses of Param Garamchas are built here on a large scale. Where millions of crocodiles are reared. Let us know why this dreaded creature is reared in such large numbers in the farm there. Why is crocodile farming done? Crocodiles are cultivated on a large scale in Thailand. The surprising thing is that the more they are reared,…

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why crocodile tears are false phrase has really interesting reason behind it

Crocodile Tears Are Real or False: In childhood, we have heard such proverbs and idioms, which we use indiscriminately, but do not know why they were created? Some such proverbs are included – shedding Crocodile Tears. After all, what is so special about crocodile and crocodile tears that only these creatures are used for false tears? Do they always shed false tears or is there some other reason behind filling their eyes. The proverb crocodile tears is used to confuse someone with false tears. Although every animal sheds tears when…

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The crocodile started making the person run by jumping, had entered the enclosure to show bravery; The speed of the king of water surprised

Every animal has its own identity and specialty. According to that, that animal is always seen doing actions. But when something unique is seen which is not a part of nature, then people get surprised. Just like the video of a crocodile became increasingly viral. The king of water is a dangerous hunter, but despite being able to live on land, its strength is slightly less than that of water. In such a situation, its super speed on the ground will surprise you. In a video shared on Twitter’s @TheFigen_,…

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