Are you also reluctant to wear wrinkled clothes? So you are definitely spoiling the environment.

In most countries around the world, people like to wear clean and pressed clothes. Because all over the world wearing well-pressed clothes with wrinkles removed is considered a sign of being a civilized person. But do you know that by removing wrinkles from clothes, you are harming the environment. Yes, you read it right, pressing clothes is a threat to the environment. Today we will tell you the reason behind this.  Wrinkled clothes The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Institute has asked its employees and students to I have…

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CSIR starts smart agro-technologies mission which will increase the crops and income of farmers

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR): Day by day increasing technology is creating new and special facilities for the people. Technology is not only helping the people living in metro cities, but technology is also going to help the farmers doing farming in villages. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has launched a very special mission to develop region-specific smart-agro technologies for the production of crops other than paddy in South India. Farmers’ income will increase with the help of technology The objective of this mission…

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