Not only alcohol, white bread can also cause cancer! Read what happens in this?

Cancer is one of the serious diseases, which can happen to anyone at any age. This disease can occur in any part of the body and often occurs without any symptoms.  There are many types of cancer, such as brain cancer, stomach cancer, uterine cancer, breast cancer, and many more, one of which is colorectal cancer, which is the third most common cancer worldwide. < h4>Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), a research found that consumption of white bread and alcohol increases…

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Dry Fruits Side Effects eating dry fruits daily is good or not for health know more

Everyone wants to have good health, for this people go to the gym and eat fruits. But there are very few people who can keep themselves feet. If you also want to stay fit, then this news is for you. Actually, many juices, powders, medicines are available in the market, by consuming which you can stay fit. But sometimes excessive consumption becomes harmful. Now you can easily take care of your health by staying at home. Dry fruits are rich in nutrients, their consumption is very beneficial for the body.…

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