health tips curd with sugar side effects disadvantages of eating curd and sugar in hindi

Side Effects of Curd Shakkar : On starting something new or going out of the house, people often sweeten their mouth with curd and sugar. It is believed that doing so brings good luck and a successful journey. Curd is considered good for health. Many people like to eat it with sugar added to it. Sometimes it is okay to do so, but if you eat curd and sugar every day, it can have many side effects. It can cause serious damage to health, so one should avoid eating curd…

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How to save curd in summer season without fridge know easy home tricks

The heat is at its peak, which has made life miserable for everyone. After this, if there is no refrigerator in the house, then the situation is sure to worsen. In such a situation, keeping curd in the house without a refrigerator means letting it turn sour. Let us tell you such tips, by which even without a refrigerator, curd will not turn sour at all and its taste will remain absolutely sweet. This problem occurs in summer If you keep curd without a refrigerator during extreme summer, it turns…

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want instant glow on face then use these things kept at home skin care tips in summer

If your skin has become dull in the summer days and you want to make it glow, then this news is for you. You no longer need to buy expensive products from the market, because now you can get instant glow by using these things kept at home. Let’s know about those things. use these things Everyone wants to make their face beautiful, people try many things for this. But still they do not see any effect. In such a situation, now you can use the curd kept in the…

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There is no break in the curd of this shop, consume one quintal daily, you will be shocked to hear the earning.

Deepak Kumar/ Banka: There are many benefits of eating curd for breakfast in the morning. This also solves the problems of digestive system. You can also make curd lassi and drink it in summer. People of every class like to eat curd. The number of people eating it increases in summer. This time too, the heat has started wreaking havoc in the initial stages itself. In such a situation, people prefer food items that provide coolness to the body. There is such a curd shop in Banka also, where there…

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, Curd Combination:

Curd Bad Combinations: Eating raita is very beneficial for health. This is a very healthy recipe. Beneficial for hydration, digestion and stomach. Raita made from curd and other things is eaten a lot in summer, but do you know that raita made from some things should not be eaten even by mistake. Ayurveda considers some things along with curd as dangerous. Eating these can cause harm to the stomach. Irritable bowel syndrome can cause problems like stomach ache, flatulence, gas, indigestion, vomiting, sour belching. Cucumber Raita It is said in…

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Have you ever eaten dahi kebab? So delicious that you will feel like making it every day, learn the recipe here

Dahi Kabab Recipe: Curd is used in most of the dishes. But very few people would know about a unique dish made from curd. The name of this dish is Dahi Kebab. You may have to put in some hard work to make it, but believe me, every guest coming to the party will not get tired of praising you. So, today in this article we are telling you about the easy recipe of making Dahi Kebab for Holi party… What are the ingredients required to make Dahi Kebab?-1.5 cups…

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onion with curd onion raita has side effects for health in ayurveda

As soon as summer comes, people include raita in their regular diet. Raita is eaten with boondi and sometimes many types of vegetables are also added to it. Some people like to eat raita by adding onion to it. Along with onion, at some places tomato is also added to raita. But very few people know that eating curd and onion in raita can cause many harms to their health. In Ayurveda, eating onion mixed with raita is prohibited and the reason behind this is that it is a dangerous…

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Those who eat curd daily should know this, curd causes harm to these people

  Most people eat curd daily during the summer season. Curd removes many problems like fatigue, weakness, sweating and skin problems, especially during the summer season. During the summer season, people often include those things in their diet which have cooling effect. This provides coolness to the body, but do you know that curd is very harmful for some people.  Curd has many properties Let us tell you that very beneficial elements including protein, carbohydrate, potassium, phosphorus, sugar, calcium, iron magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin A…

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Why is milk heated to prevent it from curdling, what chemical changes take place

Milk Drinking is considered beneficial for everyone from children to adults. With this the body gets vitamins and many minerals. According to doctors, drinking milk strengthens bones and helps a lot in building muscles. Actually, many nutrients including protein and calcium are found in milk. Along with this, carbohydrates and fats are also found in abundance in it. However, during the summer season, milk has to be heated several times to prevent it from curdling. Have you ever wondered what happens to milk when it is repeatedly heated, which prevents…

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Know which is most beneficial for health, do not make the mistake of considering both as one.

Curd vs Yogurt: Curd and Greek yogurt look exactly the same. Because of which many people remain confused about them. Many people mistake both of them for the same thing. Even though both look similar, they both affect health differently. There is a lot of difference between the two (Curd vs Yogurt). In such a situation, let us know whether curd or yogurt is more beneficial for health… Difference between curd and yogurt Curd is a dairy product made by adding acidic substances to milk. To make curd, a little…

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