How to save curd in summer season without fridge know easy home tricks

The heat is at its peak, which has made life miserable for everyone. After this, if there is no refrigerator in the house, then the situation is sure to worsen. In such a situation, keeping curd in the house without a refrigerator means letting it turn sour. Let us tell you such tips, by which even without a refrigerator, curd will not turn sour at all and its taste will remain absolutely sweet. This problem occurs in summer If you keep curd without a refrigerator during extreme summer, it turns…

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If sourness comes while making curd at home, then these tips will remove the problem

highlights Curd is used regularly in most homes. Putting sourdough in too hot curd can cause sourness in it. Tips For Sweet Curd: Curd is used regularly in some or the other way in most of the homes. In many homes, curd is included in the daily diet irrespective of the season. This is the reason why curd is often set in our homes as well. Although it happens many times when curd gets sour after setting, on the other hand the curd available in the market does not sour.…

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