Risk of heart attack is higher in winter do these three exercises

The risk of heart attack increases during winter season. Due to cold, blood vessels contract, due to which blood pressure increases. Apart from this, cholesterol level in the body also increases during winter season. Both these factors increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, chances of heart related problems like heart attack, cardiac arrest, irregular heartbeat etc. become higher in winter. According to experts, heart patients should take special care of themselves in winter. Know which exercise to do daily to keep heart healthy.. Surya NamaskarSurya Namaskar is a yoga…

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Meet Kian and Sara, who toured 30 countries by bike, vowed not to sit on a plane

There is no dearth of people who are fond of traveling in this world. Whatever may be the circumstances, if once determined then no one can stop them. However, you will also be surprised to know about the couple we are talking about today. Imagine someone traveling to 30 countries and not sitting in a plane for a single day, is it possible? But Joshua Qian and Sarah Morgan Porto have shown this feat. Since 2017, both are traveling the world. Travel by bike only. Have vowed never to sit…

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Running Walking Cycling Are Really Helpful For Weight Loss

Weight Loss Tips:Bad lifestyle, bad food and working in the same position for long hours is making a person fat and shapeless. At the same time, everyone wants a fit and perfect body. thick legs Hanging belly, chubby body is not liked by anyone. People often look for some very effective ways to lose weight. Today we are telling you some such easy and effective way by which it is possible to reduce your weight, know about it. These tips are effective in weight loss to walk-You can lose weight…

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