Somewhere you also do not drink water while eating food, along with this drinking too little or too much water can also be harmful.

Somewhere you also do not drink water while eating food, along with this drinking too little or too much water can also be harmful.

Mistakes While Drinking Water:Water is very important for our body. About 60 c/o part of our body is made of water. If you do not drink the right amount of water, then many activities of your body can stop and you can fall ill. When you feel thirsty, your brain signals to you that your body is getting dehydrated. Nowadays people become so busy in their work that they forget to drink water. By doing this the body starts getting dehydrated. Drinking water is a very good habit, but you…

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Health Tips: From relaxing the mind to improving digestion, there are many benefits of sitting on the ground, stiffness does not come in the body

Health Tips: From relaxing the mind to improving digestion, there are many benefits of sitting on the ground, stiffness does not come in the body

Benefits of Sitting On The Floor: Amidst the ever-changing lifestyle and changing times, many old traditions have been left behind.  One of them is the practice of eating food while sitting on the ground. Those who work sitting on the ground must be able to feel that the comfort of working sitting down is different. In earlier times, our grandmothers used to eat food while sitting on the ground. Let us tell you that sitting on the ground gives countless benefits to the body. We are not saying this, but many…

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Yogurt In Winters: What is the right decision to consume yogurt in winters, know the truth of the myth related to it

Yogurt In Winters: What is the right decision to consume yogurt in winters, know the truth of the myth related to it

Myths About Yogurt: Yogurt is one of the most favorite things eaten in our homes. The pleasure of eating it while eating it is different. But along with food, curd is also a storehouse of many nutrients. It also contains many vitamins and minerals which are very beneficial for our health. It also helps in the digestion of the body. Although its effect is cold, that’s why people refrain from eating it in the winter season. Parents also worry that their child might get cough and cold. This is the reason…

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