Parents do not let their children go out after dark, situation is worse than Bihar, this danger looms!

Do you remember Bihar of the 90s? During that time, criminals ruled Bihar. No one could say what would happen to whom. People were so terrified that they would hide in their homes as soon as evening fell. But now Bihar has changed. Crime has not stopped, but people roam around fearlessly even late at night. But today we are going to tell you about a city, knowing about which you will again remember the Bihar of the 90s. But don’t worry, this city is not in our country, but…

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most dangerous cities of United States where cases like murder and rape are very common

Most Dangerous Cities Of United States: There are many places around the world that are considered very dangerous, There may also be a danger to people who usually live in these places, In many countries, there are some cities where people are afraid to go, Today we know about some such cities of the US where living is no less than a danger, In fact, violent crimes have become very common in these cities, In such a situation, if a person wants to live here, he may have to face…

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